When to use the Pulsor....

Applications that can be solved by the Pulsor stress sensor

Residential and Commercial Security

  • Area coverage throughout home / office building to protect the building. 
    •  4-bedroom ranch:  In this sample layout of a Pulsor system, you will notice that we use 6 stress sensors.  Pulsors are located in the areas where there is the most foot traffic and are strategically placed to cover key entry points.  The one sensor located in the hallway is sufficient protection for the 3 bedrooms located at that end of the house unless the home owner wants specific valuables protected in these rooms.
    • Colonial 3-bedroom ranch:  This sample layout also demonstrates how Pulsors should be strategically placed by key entry points and high traffic areas in a home.  It is not necessary to protect every square foot of the building.   You want to design the system so that an intruder will inevitably step on an oval of protection once inside. 
    • French Country 4-bedroom home:  In this sample, Pulsors are placed strategically by entry points on the first floor, including at the foot of the stairs leading to an unfinished 2nd floor.
    • For more details about planning an installing a stress sensor system, you can take a look at our Snapshot of a Pulsor System or our complete Pulsor Installation Manual
  • Decks - Used as a safety feature to announce guests.  This feature has been used to notify parents if their child steps outside the house, particularly useful if there is a safety issue such as a pool in the backyard.  IMPORTANT NOTE:  System has to be turned on to work.
  • Roofs - Sensors placed on the roof of an office building to protect from intruders gaining roof access.
  • Window sills - Pulsors can be placed under window sills.  Allows homeowners to keep windows open while still keeping intruders out.
  • Fire escapes - Prevents unwanted people from climbing on the fire escape.
  • Video cameras - Sensors used to turn cameras on and off.  Sensors also used to control the rotation of a camera.
Home Automation
  • Lighting on stairs
  • Bathroom fans
  • Shower stalls
  • Bedroom triggers to turn on bathroom lights
Marine Industry
  • MarineGuard Boat Alarms - secure boats of all sizes made from broad variety of materials
  • Megayachts - Pulsors used for security and camera control
  • Docks - Pulsors used for security and lights at residential and commercial docks, including floating docks.