FAQs about Sure Action's Pulsor Stress Sensors and Driveway Sensors (Probes).

Sure Action, manufacturer of security products, manufactures high-quality security components to use in alarm systems for the home and office, home automation systems, and boats   
 Stress Sensors (Pulsors)   

 Driveway Sensors (Probes)  

 The Answers  

 Stress Sensors (Pulsors)  
  • How difficult is it to mount a stress sensor to a joist? (Click to return to top)  Mounting is easy.  Each sensor comes with an epoxy pack and crimps. The epoxy is pre-measured so there is no guessing.  First, you warm the epoxy pack.  Then, mix and put all the epoxy on the sensor.  Next, touch the sensor to the joist with no pressure and hold in place with tape until the epoxy dries. 
  • Is temperature a concern when mounting Pulsors?  (Click to return to top)  Yes, temperature is a concern.   To mix correctly, the epoxy needs to be at least 55 F.  If it is colder, you must heat the joist with a heat gun for a few minutes.  We suggest you call for technical assistance to discuss your application.
  • How do you deal with heavy dogs?  (Click to return to top)  If a dog is 65 lbs or less, simply adjust the sensitivity level for the sensors to account for the dog's weight.  If the dog weighs more than 65 lbs, we suggest you call us for technical support.  We will help you design the system to accommodate for the heavier animal.  For example, we had a customer who needed to design a system for a family with an 85-lb dog, a 55-lb dog, and 5 cats.  The system we designed ran for over four years without a false alarm.
  • What is the life expectancy of a stress sensor?  (Click to return to top)  Sure Action's Pulsors are designed to last decades. There are functioning sensors in the field that were installed over 30 years ago.  Once the sensor is installed per our instructions, they should last a long time.

 Driveway Sensors (Probes)